An Integrative Approach

EECP, Heart Disease, Inflammation, IV Therapies, LiveO2

by Dr. Angelique Hart, M.D.

Heart disease continues to be the number one killer of Americans with an estimated 610,000 deaths/year. The focus on cholesterol lowering strategies with low-fat diets, invasive cardiac procedures, and a long list of medications, have not altered this outcome. There is a growing consensus that inflammation of the capillary system or microcirculation is a common pathway to heart disease, and that dietary factors, lack of exercise, and stress are major contributors.

There have been a few studies that looked at “alternative approaches” to treating heart disease, including the TACT trial, proving that IV Chelation Therapy is beneficial. Another noninvasive treatment shown to be highly effective for the relief of chest pain (angina) is Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP). This treatment significantly improves the circulation of the heart muscle with a form of passive exercise. Sessions are about an hour long, and most patients will need about 35-40 sessions to receive lasting benefit. Studies have shown that EECP can relieve about 80% of angina and can significantly improve heart failure. We have also seen major improvements in patients with Peripheral Vascular Disease and Diabetic Neuropathy. (

A fascinating book by Dr. Thomas Cowan MD, Human Heart Cosmic Heart discusses three primary causes of heart attacks: 1. Pre-existing development of a decreased parasympathetic tone (our restorative nervous system) followed by sympathetic nervous system activation (our fight/flight reactive system), 2. Collateral circulation failure or lack of microcirculation, and 3. Lactic Acid build up in the heart muscle due to impaired mitochondrial function. From this book, we can surmise that effective measures to treat and prevent heart disease include a low carb wholesome diet with plenty of healthy fats, use of intermittent fasting, regular exercise, supporting emotional and spiritual heart-based practices, optimization of vitamin D3 and K2, and EECP for active heart disease.

We offer a Combined Therapy approach to aggressively and successfully treat Heart Disease. By adding Oxygen Therapy to our EECP sessions, followed by LiveO2 training sessions (Exercise with Oxygen), often with detoxifying IV Therapies, results were very fast and provided lasting resolution of cardiac and circulatory inflammation disease symptoms. LiveO2 Training ( provides superior oxygenation and effective removal of Lactic Acid and toxic waste, optimizing cellular healing.

Healing the Heart from Within. By Rev. Dr. Richard Heart, D.TM

It is common knowledge that stress, loneliness, and grief can contribute to heart disease. There is even a heart condition called the ‘Broken Heart Syndrome’ also called ‘Stress-Induced Cardiomyopathy’ or Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy’. Other important culprits leading to cardiac symptoms can be loss of ‘Life Purpose’ or ‘God Connection’, fear of death, or traumas from childhood or even past lives. As we hold on to these Emotions, these E-Motions put the Energy of heart dis-ease in Motion. Patients suffering from heart dis-ease are frequently unaware of these underlying ‘issues in the tissues’ of the heart. As a Spiritual counselor/teacher, I awaken the awareness within and through your faith, guide you to diffuse the trapped Emotions, to bring your heart back into a balanced state. Your healing process will be designed for your unique needs.

To read the original article click below on Truly Alive

Better Health Care is Our Mission

(505) 433-2267

Tuesday-Thursday 10a-5p

Holistic Medical Clinic

Dr. Angelique Hart, M.D.

1924 Juan Tabo NE Suite B

Albuquerque, NM 87112